The guarantee of companies associated with PROVIA

PROVIA is a non-profit business organization established on the 4th of November 1981, bringing together the majority of property developers operating on the Costa Blanca. Its raison d’être is the defense and representation of the business interests of property developers in all economic and social matters, as well as driving and promoting the overall quality of its associated companies. Provia therefore has a robust, modern organizational structure, with management capacity for responding to the needs of its associates. Behind PROVIA there is a large group of property developer companies and development agents, who have voluntarily joined forces to offer the best service to the client, achieve the maximum quality in their products and achieve continuity and permanence in the sector through constant learning and information. As the Costa Blanca is one of the favorite destinations of international clients, many associated companies have specialized in a product specially designed for this type of client. The experience that these companies have acquired over the course of their operations – in many cases exceeding 40 years – allows them to offer the buyer a level of guarantees and professionalism which is difficult to find in other areas of Spain, and of course, even more so in other destinations. Aware of the importance of the asset to clients purchasing a residence outside of their country of origin, a group of companies has joined forces to present these advantages to the buyer. This group is made up of some of the most solvent and experienced companies on the Costa Blanca and offers a carefully configured catalogue with the best products of the area. The client purchasing a residence from a company of the group has the following guarantees: PROTECTION The companies associated with Provia are committed to the best customer service, the highest quality of their products and, above all, legality and protection in all aspects of their activity. QUALITY All products offered by the companies associated with PROVIA are high quality and fulfil all regulations existing on construction quality, such as the Law on Planning and Promotion of Quality in Construction (LOFCE). Additionally, some of these companies already have the Quality Profile certification granted by the Valencian Institute of Construction. EXPERIENCE Most of the companies associated with PROVIA have accumulated many years of experience, not only in the sale of residences, but in particular, in sales to foreign clients, adapting the product to the needs of each nationality. Aware of the needs of foreign clients with regard to information they require on the property and guarantees in purchase processes, the companies of the group offer all types of facilitation to satisfy them. AFTER-SALES The after-sales service is key for buying a residence, and today there are offers on the market which may be tempting but which leave the client powerless when resolving any issue after the purchase. The companies associated with PROVIA have an after-sales service that guarantees the client the resolution of any unforeseen event or problem, which may arise after signing the deed.


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