In compliance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data (hereinafter, LOPD), the ASSOCIATION OF REAL ESTATE PROMOTERS OF THE PROVINCE OF ALICANTE (hereinafter, PROVIA) informs the users of this Website of the following:

  1. Data collection. The data that users provide as a result of the use and request of the different services offered through the Website accessed through the URL and, especially, those provided by sending a Curriculum Vitae. , will be subject to automated processing and incorporated into the corresponding file whose responsibility is the ASSOCIATION OF REAL ESTATE PROMOTERS OF THE PROVINCE OF ALICANTE with registered office at Calle Reyes Católicos nº 31-35, 4º A (Edificio Rex), 03003 ALICANTE, SPAIN.

  1. Veracity of the data. When it is necessary to provide personal data to use or request any service, users will guarantee its veracity, accuracy, authenticity and validity. In this sense, it will be the obligation of users to keep the data updated so that it corresponds to reality at all times.

  1. Acceptance of this privacy policy. By providing personal data by requesting the services offered through this Website (and, especially, the data provided by sending a Curriculum Vitae to PROVIA) or sending it by any other means, users declare accept fully and without reservation the incorporation of the data provided to PROVIA files and its automated processing, under the terms stipulated in this document.

  1. User rights. Users may exercise, at any time, the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition of their collected and archived data. The exercise of these rights may be carried out by sending an e-mail to or by fax to the number (+34) 965.928.511 or by written communication addressed to PROVIA’s address, indicating “personal data” as a reference. 

  1. Use of data. The registered data may be used for the purpose of enabling the normal development of the operation agreed upon with the user, administering, managing and improving the services offered by PROVIA, as well as to prepare or offer other operations or services related to the promotion of properties that in the future they might be of interest to the user. They may also be used to compile statistics and send commercial or promotional information related to said services, among other activities.

  1. Sending communications via email. The email address provided by users during the subscription process or access to any service offered on this portal may subsequently be used by PROVIA to send commercial and promotional information. The user may at any time and automatically revoke his or her consent by sending an e-mail to

  1. Transfer of data. By providing personal data by requesting the services offered through this Website (and, especially, the data provided by sending a Curriculum Vitae to PROVIA) or sending it by any other means, users declare accept fully and without reservation that said data be transferred, where appropriate, to any company that is part of or that is part of PROVIA in the future, in order to offer users a personalized service in accordance with their needs in the field of real estate development and any others provided by PROVIA members. In the case of receipt of CVs, they will be managed for possible personnel selections of our associates, without, in any case, sending the CVs without express authorization of the candidate.

The user, at any time and absolutely free of charge, may revoke their consent by sending an e-mail to indicating their willingness not to transfer their data under the conditions outlined.

  1. Obligations of PROVIA. It undertakes not to collect unnecessary information about its users, to treat with extreme diligence the personal information that may be provided to it, and to comply at any stage of processing with the obligation to maintain secrecy regarding the data provided by users. Likewise, PROVIA undertakes to adopt at all times the legally required technical and organizational measures, to avoid loss, alteration, or unauthorized access, implementing for this purpose all the technical means and systems at its disposal, taking into account the state of the technology, the nature of the stored data and the risks to which they are exposed, whether they come from human action or the physical or natural environment. However, users must be aware that Internet security measures are not impregnable.

  1. Modification of the Privacy policy. PROVIA reserves the right to modify its personal data processing and security policy at any time, always respecting current legislation on data protection, and prior communication to the interested parties, either by publication on this same page or on any other page. place of the Portal, or by any other means of communication or dissemination that is considered appropriate.

Personal Data


In accordance with the provisions of Spanish Organic Law  Ley Orgánica  15/1999, of 13 th  December, on Personal Data Protection (hereafter the  LOPD ), the ASSOCIATION OF REAL ESTATE DEVELOPERS OF ALICANTE (hereafter PROVIA) hereby notifies the users of this Website of the following:

  • Data collection. Data provided by the users as a result of using and requesting the different services offered on the Website accessed through the URL and, in particular, those provided by sending a Curriculum Vitae, shall be automatically processed and incorporated into the corresponding file. The data controller is the ASSOCIATION OF REAL ESTATE DEVELOPERS OF ALICANTE, with registered address at  calle Reyes Católicos nº 31-35, 4º A (Edificio Rex),  03003 ALICANTE, SPAIN.

  • Data veracity. When, in order to use or request any service, it is necessary to provide personal data, users shall guarantee its veracity, accuracy, authenticity and validity. In this sense, it shall be the users’ obligation to keep the data updated so that they correspond to reality at all times.

  • Accepting this privacy policy. By providing personal data through the request for the services offered on this Website (and, in particular, data provided by sending PROVIA a Curriculum Vitae) or by sending it by any other means, users declare their full and unreserved acceptance of the incorporation of the data provided into PROVIA’s files and their automated processing, under the terms stipulated here.

  • Users’ rights. Users may at any time exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition of their data collected and filed. These rights may be exercised by sending an email to or by fax to the number (+34) 965.928.511 or by writing to PROVIA’s address, indicating “personal data” as the reference.

  • Data usage. The registered data may be used to enable the normal development of the operation agreed with the user, to administer, manage and improve the services offered by PROVIA, as well as to prepare or offer other operations or services related to real estate development that may be of interest to the user in the future. They may also be used to formulate statistics and to send commercial or promotional information related to these services, among other activities.

  • Communications sent via email. The email address provided by users during the process of subscribing to or accessing any service offered in this portal may subsequently be used by PROVIA to send commercial and promotional information. Users may automatically revoke their consent at any time by sending an email to

  • Data transfer. By providing personal data through the request for the services offered on this Website (and, in particular, the data provided by sending PROVIA a curriculum vitae) or by sending it by any other means, users hereby declare that they fully and unreservedly accept that said data be transferred, where applicable, to any company of which they are members or which may join PROVIA in the future, in order to offer users a personalized service according to their needs in the field of real estate development and any other services provided by PROVIA members. In the case of receiving CVs, these shall be managed for possible staff selections from our partners. Said CVs shall under no circumstances be sent without the express authorization of the candidate.

The user may revoke their consent at any time and free of charge by sending an email to indicating their desire not to provide their data under the aforementioned conditions.

  • PROVIA’s obligations. Provia hereby undertakes not to gather unnecessary information about its users, to process any personal information provided with extreme diligence and to comply with the obligation to guarantee the confidentiality of any data provided by the users during all stages of processing. Likewise, PROVIA undertakes to adopt the legally required technical and organizational measures at all times in order to prevent loss, alteration or unauthorized access to data, implementing for this purpose all technical means and systems possible, taking into account the state of technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed, whether these are the result of human actions or the physical or natural environment. However, users must be aware that security measures on the Internet are not impregnable.

Modification of the privacy policy. PROVIA reserves the right to modify its policy on personal data processing and security at any time, always in accordance with the current data protection legislation, and after having notified the interested parties, either by publishing on this page or elsewhere in the Portal, or by any other means of communication or broadcasting deemed appropriate.